Freemium feature


With you can request charts for stocks, cryptocurrencies, forex, commodities, indices, and more. You can easily add indicators, change candle types, timeframes, and further customize the chart. is already the premiere Discord bot for TradingView charts used by the biggest financial communities, but we also support TradingLite for advanced crypto users.

Available tickers


To request a chart, initiate the /c slash command. Start a request by specifying a ticker ID as the first argument in the arguments field, which can be combined with other optional arguments to further customize the chart, like indicators, timeframes, theme, chart type and more. For a request to be successfully processed, make sure that arguments are compatible. Note that not all platforms support all asset classes and markets.

If you do not specify an asset class, it'll be picked automatically based on closest matching assets with a bias determined by server's ticker parsing preference. If you do not specify an exchange or venue, the default is determined automatically based on an internal exchange and venue priority order.
