You can place paper orders with /paper buy and /paper sell slash commands. Execute a paper trade by specifying a ticker ID in the ticker field and an amount in the amount field. You can also provide an execution price in the price field to place a limit order. By providing an asset class in the type field, you can help Alpha find the right instrument to trade.
John Doe
·Tue, 11 February 2025Alpha
·Tue, 11 February 2025Paper Trader
Paper balance:
Holding 1 asset with estimated total value: 1,000.00 USDT and +0.00 % ROI.
10,000.000000 USD
Stable in fiat value
John Doe
·Tue, 11 February 2025Alpha
·Tue, 11 February 2025Paper Trader
Paper buy order of 0.4 BTC at 16682.05 USDT was successfully executed.
John Doe
·Tue, 11 February 2025Alpha
·Tue, 11 February 2025Paper Trader
Paper buy order of 10 AAPL at 150.265 USDT was successfully executed.